Advanced Operations and Features
Key function programmable
Your dealer may program the Function Key(long or short press) with one of the auxiliary functions
respectively described in the
Radio View
Programmable 12.5kHz/25kHz Channel Spacing
The feature enables flexibility an easy migration of channel spacing requirements when the need arises,
with no need to buy new radios.
CTCSS/DCS Signalling
CTCSS/DCS may have been programmed on a channel to ignoreunwanted calls from other parties on
the same channel. user will receive the calls on the same channel only when the received signals contain
the matching CTCSS/DCS code;otherwise,the user receives all the calls on the same channel within
communication range.
The dealer preset CTCSS/DCS signalling on all or just certain channels.
NOTE:Although using CTCSS/DCS enables you to avoid hearing Unwanted calls, it does not mean your
calls will be private.
Squelch Tail Elimination
The function will minimize the annoying audio outputs that occur at the receiver on completion of a
transmission to relieve the fatigue of you ears.
When CTCSS/DCS signalling is set, this channel will have the tail elimination function automatically.
Selectable Squelch Level
The purpose of squelch is to mute audio output from the speaker when no signals are present.The higher
the squelch level selected,the stronger the signals must be to receive.The appropriate squelch level
depends on ambient RF noise conditions.
Busy Channel Lockout (BCL)
When the BCL feature is enabled by your dealer, you are prevented from transmitting on a channel that is
already in use. Press the PTT on a channel that is already in use, the radio will sound alert tone and turn
back to the receive mode.
Time-Out-Timer (TOT)
The Time-Out-Timer(TOT) is used to prevent someone from using the same channel for a long time and
to prevent the radio from damage due to continuous transmission.
If the transmission exceeds the preset time (it's set by your dealer), transmission will be inhibited and a
beep tone will sound.To stop the beep tone, release the [PTT] key .Press the [PTT] key again to resume
Battery Save
When enabled, the Battery Save feature is automatically activated once the situation that no activity on
the channel and no operation performed, lasts for 10-12 seconds. for extended operation time.
Pressing any key or receiving a signal will restore the radio to normal operation and exit from Battery