Location on Front of Chassis
Operating and Maintaining the VS2124
6-68737-01 Rev E
©2019 Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved.
Page 2
Display IP Addresses
For instructions on how to use the VMS-Info icon to display your system’s
existing IP address settings, refer to
Operate > Display IP Addresses
Locate the System Serial Number
For details on locating the system serial number and chassis part number, refer to
. You will need this if you contact Quantum Technical Support or order a
replacement part.
Generate Data Collect Logs
For details on using the VMS-Collect icon or the VMS-Settings Menu to create a zip file that contains
the diagnostic logs for all of the system components, refer to
Operate > Generate Data Collect Logs
Step 7
Perform the initial configuration.
Step 8
Identify Network Connections and Configure
CameraNet Interfaces.
Configuring the VS2124
Step 9
Install the video surveillance software.
Location on Rear of Chassis
Video Surveillance Console