Part 68-00189 Rev I
Page 15
Audio Menu
Audio menu buttons indepen-
dently toggle stereo audio output
channels on and off
(Models 608 and 609 only).
Left channel is also as the monophonic
audio source for the modulated RF output on the Model 609.
Audio On
Audio Off
Audio Mode Sub-menu and Installing Firmware
Installing New Generator Firmware
The generator’s operating system firmware is stored in Flash EPROM that can be updated via
the serial port
Firmware updates are available from
To install a firmware update:
With the generator turned off, connect it to the PC using a suitable null modem serial cable.
Hold down the upper left menu button on the generator and press the POWER button for about
one second and then release both buttons. The LCD screen will indicate the unit is ready for the
upload. (NOTE: Remove batteries and external power if you need to cancel the upload)
Expand the .zip archive file that contains the firmware update.
If you have HyperTerminal, double-click the HyperTerminal setup file (QD60x to start
HyperTerminal with the proper communications setup. (If you are using a Com port other than
Com 1, in HyperTerminal choose File > Properties to select the desired Com port.)
If you are using a terminal communications program other than HyperTerminal, set your communi-
cations parameters to 9600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, software handshaking (Xon /
Xoff), and ANSI terminal emulation.
In HyperTerminal, select Transfer > Send Text File.
In the Send Text File dialog box, double-click the firmware filename to start the transfer.
The generator will display the progress of the update and then go through a power up cycle at the
completion of the update. The model number and firmware revision number will be on the LCD.
Press the OPTIONS button on the generator and then select "Clear Fmts" from the menu. When
asked to confirm clearing the formats memory, press the Yes button.
After all locations are cleared, press the Options button, and then select Reload Fmts. This will
load the nonvolatile memory with the new firmware’s factory default formats.