Autofocus AF910
The Quantum Composers Autofocus AF910 combines a
proprietary optical configuration with flexible interface
architecture to provide a robust autofocus for OEM
applications utilizing infinity corrected objectives.
The AF910 can be used on most surfaces:
• Low and high reflectivity
• Specular and diffuse
• Transparent and opaque
Includes patterned surfaces such as TFT arrays,
semiconductors and PCBs.
The AF910 provides various interface options:
• RS 232
• Analog output
• Step/ Direction motor drive control
• In focus, in range status, edge detect status
An optional interface adapter may be included which allows
for custom electrical interfaces. The sensor I/O signals can
be broken out into separate connectors, allowing for
integration into existing systems.
Serial communications provides configuration, status and
control of the sensor. The sensor can store up to 7
configurations, each optimized for a different objective.
Quantum Composers, Inc.
P.O. Box 4248
Bozeman, MT 59772
(406) 582-0227
(406) 582-0237
Toll Free
(800) 510-6530