Quick Start Guide
MK-BL-0004 REV 01 Q Quick Start Guide 1018
Water Tubes
No tubes, empty tubes and tubes with different volumes of liquid all have different thermal loads on the metal rotor.
Variations in thermal load around the rotor can cause significant thermal gradients both at static temperatures and
during ramping, resulting in increased variability in results.
For the best thermal uniformity between samples always follow these simple rules:
Ensure tubes are loaded into every position around the rotor
Load unused tubes with water, at the reaction volume
Check all tubes are firmly pushed into the rotor and the caps are securely fitted
Use the tube clamp to keep tubes in the rotor during the run
It is very important that all tubes within the rotor contain the same volume of liquid during a run. Empty tubes should be
loaded with water.
As the oil overlap prevents evaporation, these Water Tubes can be stored and reused for over a week.