Quanser Qbot: User Manual
not illuminate when the Qbot robot is powered on.
1. Verify that the jumper on the INT/EXT battery header on the Qbot lid is securely placed
in the INT position. This jumpber switches the Qbot power source from the robot's in-
ternal poewr (INT) or an external battery source (EXT). Note: an external battery to
power the Qbot is not provided with the system.
2. If the jumpers are securely in place and the power LEDs remain off when the iRobot Cre-
ate is on, turn off the robot, open the Qbot lid by removing the four lid screws shown in
Figure 16, and verify that the DB-25 cable to the robot is securely connected. Replace the
lid and try to power on the Qbot.
6.8. Building a model fails with the error “Not enough
system resources are available to perform the operation.”
The hard disk is full on the Gumstix computer.
1. When several models are compiled, the disk space on the Gumstix may become full, and
you will no longer have space to build models. Using the clean option in the QUARC
menu under QUARC\Clean all will remove all generated code and compiled code for the
current model, but this will only free up the space used by the current model. Clearing all
models from the Gumstix hard disk must be done manually using PuTTY, or any ssh cli-
ent. Using PuTTY, log into the Gumstix by connecting to it using the IP listed on the
Qbot, and use the user name “root”, and password “quanser” (without quotation marks).
Navigate to the /var/spool/quarc directory, which is where all generated code and com-
piled models reside. Use the “ls” command to list all contents of this directory to see all
models that have been downloaded to the Gumstix.
Note: be careful executing any re-
move/delete command on your Gumstix, as incorrect usage could permanently
damage the file system, rendering the Qbot unusable.
Individual models/code can be
manually removed from the /var/spool/quarc directory. To remove all generated code and
executable controllers, run the command “rm -rf /var/spool/quarc/*” (without quotation
marks). To confirm there are no longer any models on the Gumstix, execute the com-
mand “ls” and there should be nothing listed.
6.9. The Display Image block is not showing any image.
See Section 5.4 for an example using the camera acquisition and display blocks.
1. Ensure that the Vision Capture Image block is acquiring images by checking the “new”
output signal. If necessary, reduce the image resolution and output the image as matrix data.
Document Number: 830
Revision: 7
Page: 22