Chapter 3
Main Menu
The BIOS Setup is accessed by pressing the DEL key after the Power-On
Self-Test (POST) memory test begins and before the operating system boot
begins. Once you enter the BIOS Setup Utility, the Main Menu will appear on
the screen. The Main Menu provides System Overview information and
allows you to set the System Time and Date. Use the “<” and “>” cursor keys
to navigate between menu screens.
Table 2 BIOS Main Menu
M a i n
A d v a n c e d B o o t S e c u r i t y S a v e & E x i t
Produc t Information
Select Screen
Select Item
Enter: Sel ect
+- Change Opt.
F1: General H elp
F2: Previous Values
F3: Optimized Defaults
F4 Save & Exit
ESC Exit
Produc t Name
BIOS Version
R0.07 (x64)
BIOS Build D ate
ME FW Version
CPU Infor mati on
Intel® Cor e ™ i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
Microcode Revision
Processor Cor es
Memor y Infor mati on
Total Siz e
4096 MB (DDR3)
Frequenc y 1333
Sys tem date
[Fri 10/11/2013]
Sys tem ti me
Version 2.15.1236. C opyright (C) 2012, American M egatrends, Inc.