Chapter 3
OPS-2000 Series User’s Manual
Security Menu
Table 14 Security Menu
M a i n
A d v a n c e d P o w e r
S e c u r i t y
B o o t S a v e & E x i t
Pass word D escription
If ONLY the Administrator’s password is s et, then this onl y limits acc ess to
Setup and is only as ked for when entering Setup.
If ONLY the User’s password is set, then this is a power on password and
must be entered to boot or enter Setup. In Setup the User will have
Admi nistrator rights
The pass word l ength must be in the followi ng range:
Minimum Length 3
Maxi mum length 20
Admi nistrator Pass word
User Pass word
> Secure Boot menu
: Select Screen
: Selec t Item
Enter: Sel ect
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General H elp
F2: Previous Values
F3: Optimized Defaults
F4: Save & Reset
ESC: Exit
Version 2.17.1255. C opyright (C) 2016, American M egatrends, Inc.
Secure Boot menu
Secure Boot
Options: Disabled, Enabled
Secure Boot Mode
Options: Standard, Custom
Key Management
Provision Factory Default keys
Options: Disabled, Enabled