© QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH
When is the time set?
The time is sequentially received (minütlich). If disturbances arise, e.g. to spikes, invalid
telegrams are rejected. The time three times correctly received (plausibility check, parity,
etc.) is intended the relative deviation of the telegrams for the system time. If these three
telegrams do not deviate by any longer than +/-200ms from each other, then the three times
are recognized as correct. System time determines. This middle time deviation amounts to
more than the adjustable 50ms to 400ms the system time is corrected. I.e. the time is exact
on 1 second. In the sequential enterprise the time is thus always corrected in the case of a
deviation around more than +/-0,4s.
Most PC clocks drifts with the time. The time is thus corrected in certain time intervals. This
can be reconstructed in event minutes (applications). Even if the time is to be set in the case
of smaller or only in the case of larger time deviations, then exists a Registry entry, which
makes an attitude within the range v. +/-50ms… for possible 60 min.
Registry entry: MaxDiffTime 400 (default 400ms).
The length of my antenna cable is not sufficient
The length of my antenna cable is not sufficient. Is there an extension cord and/or on which
length can I the cable extend?
If you liked to extend the cable to more than 20 m, address us please. We can offer an
amplifier, which permits also cable lengths of up to 100 m to you. Below 20 m can you the
appropriate cable with us order or a 1:1 ground through cable use.
Attitudes of the time
The driver functions correctly only if it is operated in the time belt GMT+1. One can examine
this under NT, by doubleclicking the rider “time belt” on the clock symbol in the task border
and clicking then. I.e. in following countries and/or cities the driver functions: