Edge View of
Air Filter
Install with
arrows facing
into the cabinet.
Figure 7-13 Air Filter - Edge View
7.8.2 Fan Assembly Removal 42xx Models
Remove the Top Panel (Section 7.4.1), then remove the right Side Panel
(Section 7.4.3). The openings in the right side of the TLS’ frame give access to the
nuts on the back of the Fan Assembly's mounting screws.
Remove the Tape Drive Power Supply (Section 7.13).
Use a flat-blade screwdriver to turn both 1/4-turn fasteners at the top of the
Drive Access Hatch counter-clockwise and open the hatch.
In the next step, the nuts on the back of the screws come loose when the screws are removed.
Remove the ground strap screw (Figure 7-12 and Figure 7-14), and the flat head
mounting screws at the bottom of the Drive Access Hatch, then lift the Drive Ac-
cess Hatch off of the TLS (Figure 7-15).
Ground Strap
Ground Strap Screw
Drive Access Hatch
Figure 7-14 Ground Strap Screw
Disconnect the SCSI Cable(s) from the Drive Access Hatch.
501380 Rev. B
Field–Replaceable Units (FRUs)