Show caption
Sets whether or not to display the captions that your friends have sent with the photo. Check to
display captions. Uncheck to hide captions.
Fill frame
Sets the default frame photo setting. Check to set default to fill which makes the photos fit the
device screen according to the most important part of the photo. Uncheck to make the photo fit
inside the screen of the device, adding blurred bars on the sides or top/bottom
Photo display order
Sets the order in which your photos are displayed on the frame.
● By date: Photos are shown newest to latest.
● Shuffle: Photos are shuffled and shown in a random order.
Enables/disables autoplay of videos in the slideshow. Videos can always be manually started
regardless of this setting.
Video playback
Determines how videos should be played when autoplay is enabled.
● Loop videos: The video will loop until the slideshow timer is up.
● Play once: The video will play once and show it’s thumbnail until the timer is up.
● Play once and continue: The video will play once and continue to the next photo, or video,
once it completes.
Video volume
Adjust the volume level for video sounds on the frames.
Set which Wi-Fi the frame connects to. If you are connecting to a network with a captive portal
Connection status will say that Wi-Fi login is required and show
. Tap this to open a login
screen where you can enter credentials to access the network.