Getting Started
Charging Your Phone
Before you are able to use your phone, ensure that the
phone’s batteries are charged. Be sure to do this before
leaving for your destination. Should the batteries require
charging, connect your charging cable to your phone, and
insert the plug into a suitable power source.
Emergency Services
Be sure to check with your travel agent or local
representative for the emergency information in the
country you are traveling to.
Maximizing Performance
Having a completely open view of the sky plays a very
important role in ensuring call quality when using a
Globalstar Satellite phone. Nearby obstructions such as tall
buildings, trees or mountains, can prevent calls, as they
block the signal between the phone’s antenna and the
satellites that facilitate service.
Use the diagram below as a guideline to follow, ensuring
that surrounding obstructions are low to the ground, or in
the far distance. Natural environments such as clouds, fog,
rain, snow, wind and smoke will not negatively impact
reception and call quality
G e t h e l p f r e e f r o m y o u r R o a d p o s t p h o n e
+ 1 . 9 0 5 . 2 7 2 . 5 6 6 5
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d
When using a satellite phone on a ship, the ship’s
own communications equipment may cause poor call
quality or low signal strength. To place and receive calls, be
sure to use your phone on the ship’s top level. Stand
at least 50 feet away from all the ship’s antennas.
G e t h e l p f r e e f r o m y o u r R o a d p o s t p h o n e
+ 1 . 9 0 5 . 2 7 2 . 5 6 6 5
G e t t i n g S t a r t e d