The Trusted Source
Installation Step Two (continued):
Torque Specifications: Top and Bottom factory,
frame mount to bumper bolts = 75 ft-Lbs
Winch Mounting plate to winch if applicable = 32 ft-Lbs
(See winch plate instruction sheet)
At this point if you plan on installing a winch plate (not included), now
is the time to reference the winch plate instruction sheets for proper
installation of the winch plate and winch. By reviewing this now, it will
save you time and hassles in the future, as the winch plate and bumper
should be installed simultaneously.
Figure 5
Figure 5
Place a spacer plate (Fig 5) on either
side of the frame behind the bumper
mounting tab. With bumper properly
positioned, take an existing bolt and
secure one side of the bumper to the
frame. DO NOT TIGHTEN. Repeat the
bolt install for bolt locations, top and
bottom. Loosely install all bolts before
tightening any bolt. Starting on driver’s
side, alternate tightening each bolt,
until all are tight making sure that the
bumper is centered on the vehicle. Using
a Torque Wrench, tighten the bolts to
the following Torque Specifications:
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