January 10, 2020
4100 Insert ACC
Must meet minimum standards of
NFPA 211
Must have at least 5/8 inch (16mm) fire clay lining
joined with refractory cement. (Installations into a clay
flue without a stainless steel liner may reduce draw
which affects performance, will cause the glass to
darken and produce excessive creosote).
The masonry wall of the chimney, if brick or modular
block, must be a minimum of 4 inches (102mm)
nominal thickness.
A chimney of rubble stone must be at least 12 inches
(305mm) thick.
Cross-sectional area shall conform to
NFPA 211-2006
Should be lined with a 6 inch (152mm) stainless steel
flue liner to improve performance and reduce creosote
I. Masonry Chimney
UL 1777 Insulated Stainless Steel
Liner or Other Approved Lining System
Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions
on Insulation and Support
For Zero or Other Non-Code Clearances,
Follow Approved Liner Manufacturer’s Specific
Insulation Requirements: Different Clearances
May Require Different Specifications
Masonry Chimney Must
Have Structural Integrity
UL 1777 Insulated Stainless Steel
Liner or Other Approved Lining System
Minimum 8 in. (203mm) Masonry
Thickness in Front of Smoke Chamber
Damper Plate Removed or
Fastened in Open Position
Seal with Non-Combustible Material
Minimum Clearance in Accordance
with Insert Listing
Floor Protection in
Accordance with Insert
Follow Manufacturer’s
Instructions for Maximum
Liner Extension Above
Maximum 30
Offset in Chimney
Combustible Floor
Figure 15.1
In Canada, this fireplace insert must be installed
with a continuous chimney liner of a 6 inch
(152mm) diameter extending from the fireplace
insert to the top of the chimney. The chimney
liner must conform to the Class 3 requirements
, Standard for Lining Systems
for Existing Masonry or Factory-Built Chimneys
and Vents, or
, Standard for
Lining Systems for New Masonry Chimneys.
Generic Insert Model Shown in Illustration
This insert conforms with the
UL 1482 and ULC S628
in all respects, and is approved to
UL &
ULC safety standards
for installation and use within
a fireplace with a masonry chimney in accordance with
NFPA 211 and CAN/CSA-B365-01
An equivalent liner must be a listed chimney liner
system or other approved material.
No dilution air is allowed to enter the chimney.
Secure the fireplace damper in the open position.
If this cannot be accomplished, it will be necessary
to remove the damper.
b. Seal damper area of chimney around chimney
connector with a high temperature sealant or seal
insert against the face of the fireplace.
Both methods must be removable and replaceable
for cleaning and re-installation.
When possible, install an airtight clean-out door to the
rear of the smoke shelf.