The following information may assist in locating faults occuring on the amplifier boards of a 405.
In each case only the faulty channel of the 405 is driven, as in the test procedure. The input should be
a sine wave of 0.5V RMS and the output should be applied to an 8„ load unless otherwise stated.
The numbers refer to the relavent test check.
*Board type M12368 only **Board type M12565 only.
R33 Burnt
Collector-Base Tr10 o/c
R37 Burnt
L1 o/c (solder joints)
R41 Burnt
L3 o/c (solder joints)
R39 Burnt
R20 or R21 o/c
R38 Burnt
D5 or D6 o/c
High Current
Tr2 o/c, Tr3 o/c, Tr7 o/c Tr9 s/c
Tr10 s/c, R7 o/c C8 s/c
C3 s/c
D2 o/c R8 o/c
Draws high current which drops to 0.1A
after approx 2 seconds
R14 o/c
No increase in a.c. supply current
for increase in signal
R3 o/c, C1 o/c, R31 o/c
Signal is unstable and clips
R6 o/c
100W output for 0.3V input
R20 or R21 o/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 3
Tr8 o/c, Tr6 s/c, R36 o/c, R30 o/c, C10 s/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 4
L2 o/c (solder joints)
Approximately 4W output
R16 o/c
Second Harmonic Distortion
IC1, Tr1, Tr2, Tr3, Tr4, R5, R6, R17, R18, R22, C1
Second Harmonic Distortion especially at 100Ó
C2, C7, C8
and on o/c load
Third Harmonic Distortion especially at 100Ó
Third Harmonic Distortion
L2, R3, R6, R16, R20, R21, C3
Hum and Noise
C5 o/c
R37 o/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 5*
Tr3 s/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 6*
R23 o/c, R5 o/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 7
R33 s/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 8*
R8 o/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 9
C5 s/c, R15 o/c, Tr1 o/c
Distortion at 20Ï
D5 or D6 s/c,
Liimiting resistor R11 has no effect
R10 s/c
Square Wave trace as in Fig. 10
C6 o/c
Noise especially at 100Ó
Noise with large spikes
R12, R3, R4, Tr2, IC1 (change to topology!)
Current limiting check with 1„ load
Waveform trace as in Fig. 12
R29 o/c, R28 s/c, R25 o/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 13
D3 s/c, R27 o/c, R24 o/c, R26 s/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 14
Tr6 o/c
Waveform trace as in Fig. 8
C11 s/c Tr5 o/c
Draws high current with 6V d.c. supply
T2 s/c