May 2013
Sample Genius Configuration File
;QTS AN-X2-GENI Scan Configuration Utility
;Copyright (c) 2005 Quest Technical Solutions
;Auto Config Geni I/O File
Block=0,Inp=0,Out=0,,Part="IC660HHM501",Desc="Hand-held Monitor",EndBlock
Block=1,Inp=2,Out=2,Scan,Part="IC660BBR101",Desc="16-Ckt Normally-open Relay Block",EndBlock
Block=2,Inp=2,Out=2,Scan,Part="IC660BBD020",Desc="24/48VDC 16 Ckt Source I/O Block",EndBlock
Block=3,Inp=8,Out=4,Scan,Part="IC660BBA020",Desc="24/48VDC 4In/2Out Analog Block",EndBlock
Block=9,Inp=24,Out=24,Scan,Part="IC670GBI001",Desc="Genius Bus Interface Unit",EndBlock
Block=16,Inp=64,Out=0,,Part="IC693BEM331",Desc="Series 90-30 Bus Controller",EndBlock
Block=22,Inp=4,Out=4,Scan,Part="IC660BBD024",Desc="12/24VDC 32 Ckt Source I/O Block",EndBlock
Block=31,Inp=64,Out=0,,Part="IC697BEM731",Desc="Series 90-70 Bus Controller",EndBlock
GlobSend=24,; Global Data Sent by AN-X (16 bit words)
Viewing the Current Configuration
To view the Genius configuration currently in AN-X, access the web interface and select
Automation Network/View Active Configuration
You can also view the configuration file by accessing the web interface and selecting
Automation Network/View Configuration Files
. Click on the
AN-X2-GENI Genius
Network Configuration File
link and select
to open the file in whatever application
is associated with CSV files on your computer, usually a spreadsheet or a text editor.
Details depend on your computer and browser.
Saving the Current Configuration
To save the configuration currently in AN-X to a file, access the web interface and select
Automation Network/View Configuration Files
Right click on the
AN-X2-GENI Genius Network Configuration File
link and save the