CM910 Cellular Modem
– Quick Start Guide – v2.0 October 2014
www.qtech.co.nz Ph: +64 3 366 3713 Page 4
Once the FTDI driver is installed the COM port number can be found using device manager.
DATRAN SMS Direct Operation
Explore the DATRAN server and double click the
“SMS Direct” application.
Key configuration for the C
M910 is under the “Modem Settings” tab:
Modem Type
QTech Cellular Modem
Com Port
Either physical or USB virtual comm port as shown in device
manager e.g. COM55
Port Settings
Call Centre
Select the applicable number for your GSM Telco provider.
New Zealand Vodafone:
Australia Vodafone:
New Zealand Spark:
New Zealand 2 Degrees:
Please refer to the DATRAN VI help for specific configuration for SMS Direct.