Version: 13. September 2004
Preface to building
Please note a few basic rules, before you begin building. Even the most
proficient kit builder makes errors. A few rules and experiences keeps the
error count low. You will find lots of good advice in the FI Workbench
Manual, contained in the kit. In the Workbench Manual, we describe parts,
tell about soldering, help in winding coils on the different coil forms used
in RF electronics. As our kits primarily are directed towards beginners, old
hands will find lots of known material. But repetition isn‘t that bad, and
even experienced builders will probably find helpful advice. We advice
reading through the Workbench Manual, as well as the present manual,
before beginning assembly. Reading is very important. The developers have
built several kits, the last of which were original kits like the one you have
bought. We have tried to avoid any tricky procedures, to simplify the job
for the beginner. It will pay off to read the manual before proceeding. Read
every section in its full length before soldering!
The manual
As the Speaky is quite complex, all diagrams and parts lists are put
into a separate cover. This is to avoid flipping back and forth in the
manual. The Speaky manual is divided in eleven sections. For every
section you will find a text part with a check list, and a separate dia-
gram and parts placement diagram. All parts belonging to the relevant
section is printed in black. When needed for understanding function,
parts from other sections are presented in grey. In the parts place-
ment diagram, all parts to be mounted are in black, and already moun-
ted parts are in grey. In the text, parts are listed in order of mounting.
Please use the check boxes. This will in our experience reduce errors to
a large degree. New parts are introduced in the text, when used. As the
density doesn‘t allow a placement mask on the pc board, , we have
introduced a coordinate grid on the board. The pc board is divided into
56 20 by 20 mm squares. Horizontally marked from A to H, and verti-
cally 1 to 7. Every part is easy to find from this square grid.
At the end of each text section, you will find a test description. Please
don‘t continue till the assembled kit passes these tests.
And when you don‘t know what to do?
Please come to me. Easiest via email to [email protected] or by
phone to +46 30 859 61 323.
To give you an impression of to whom you are speaking, I will present
myself briefly.:
DL2FI, Peter, known as QRPeter. Ham operator since 1964.
I am a passionate home brewer and QRP‘er, and have been for years. It is
my belief that the great chance for ham radio
lies in the rediscovery of home brewing. My
motto is: ham radio will be true again, when
it is true to its roots. (Der Amateurfunk wird
wieder wahr, wenn Amateurfunk wird, wie er
Based on this, I founded the DL-QRP-AG in
1997, the german QRP working group. Since
then the group has grown to 2300 members,
who have developed several designs helping
to promote QRP world wide. Since january
2002, I also spend a lot of time on being
chairman of the local Berlin chapter of the
DARC (German ham radio club), as I rather prefer doing something to just
quarrelling. Because of my work, I have been elected to the QRP Hall of
I wish you lots of fun on building the Speaky (Gonzales)
73 de Peter, DL2FI
Till recently ham operators equalled QRP work to CW. QRP’ers were ridiculed
or considered masochist, who made it difficult for their fellow hams with
their weak signals. This changed with the marketing of the FT-817 and its
rapidly increasing sales. In several QSO’s, it was noted, that the FT-817 was
only some 2 S degrees below a standard 100 W rig. Previously impossible
SSB DX contacts were now possible. [.... EMVU .... pleas fix this: Die Scheu
vor der Abgabe der EMVU- Selbsterklärung] made for a QRP renaissance.
Thanks to the new licensing rules for VHF/UHF licensees, we can expect a
further increase in QRP SSB activity. This couldn’t be ignored by the DL-
QRP- AG developers, and is was decided at the HAM- RADIO 2003 confe-
rence, to produce a SSB / CW- Transceiver in kit form for at least two
Содержание Speaky
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