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First item to assemble is the PCB chassis.
Even if you have done radio kit assembly before, please read through all the instructions before you
start. This kit is a little different, in that the mechanical components are the part of the printed circuit
board. The instructions give you the scope of the project and an understanding of the techniques we
have employed. You will be assembling the kit from five pieces of PCB material. The base contains all
the circuitry for the tuner. There are solder pads, and letter coded parts, that match each other. When
you tack and then solder the components it will make a sturdy mechanical assembly.
Refer to the figure below for identification of the individual PCB parts.
On all the mechanical assembly soldering you do, you will use the same technique. You
tack a single tiny point first, and then check to see that it is square and aligned with the
registration points and assembly notes. It is easy to re-heat the joint and adjust the
alignment when there is only a single point. You will tack all the other pads, before you
do the finish soldering.
When soldered, the completed chassis will look like this, with all the holes and circuitry needed for the
assembly. There will be no drilled holes to be added.