5.11 Settings
Tap the settings icon
on main menu to enter settings interface.
5.11.1 My Frame
You can check the Connection code and QR Code in [My Frame] and
manage users that bound to this digital photo frame.
to get the latest connection
code and QR code.
They are refreshed every 12 hours.
Please connect to Wi-Fi network and
to get the latest ones.
Tap [User Management] to add new
Tap name of the user to edit user,
delete the photos/videos received
from the user.
5.11.2 Album Settings
In [Album Settings], you can customize the digital photo frame.
Tap the Assistive Touch to switch the
Assistive Touch on or off.
Tap Slideshow to change the waiting
time of automatic slideshow. If the
setting is 15 seconds, it means the
photo slideshow will start around 15
seconds in case there is no input from
user side.
Tap [Auto on/off] in [Sleeping]. Set
[Auto on time], [Auto off time] and
[Repeat]. The digital photo frame will
power on and off automatically.
5.11.3 Wi-Fi Settings