to create and activate an email account.
Before use, you need to set the e-mail in the
“E-mail accounts” menu. Via this menu, you can
receive and send e-mail.
Send and Receive: You can send/receive
the e-mail from the specified mailbox.
Write Email: You can edit e-mails.
Inbox: You can see the received e-mails.
Outbox: You can see the sent e-mails.
Sent: You can send e-mails.
Drafts: You can see the drafts in the
specified mailbox.
Clear mailbox: You can clear the e-mails in
the specified mailbox, including inbox,
outbox, sent e-mail backup and drafts, or
clear all e-mails.
Delete Marked emails: You can change the
status of all e-mails to deleting status,
Email accounts: You can set up you new
Templates: you can pre-edit some common
phrases, which is convenient for quick