ROOMLINK uses the most sophisticated infra-red relay system in the market place today, so 100% reliable operation
is normal. ROOMLINK is designed to be a plug-in adjustment-free product.
It is however wise to follow the checking procedure to make sure that everything is working properly.
When the plug-top power supply is plugged in, the "power" LED on the ROOMLINK DRIVER will illuminate.
From each of the extension rooms, confirm that when the system (or video) remote handset is pointed at the
SENSOR and a button is pressed, that the SENSOR flashes to acknowledge receipt of the code. Repeat the same
exercise , but this time ask a friend to watch the 'flash receive' LED on the ROOMLINK DRIVER. This should also
flash on receipt of a code.
It should now be possible to operate your hi-fi (or video) from any of the extension rooms. Again help from a
friend in watching the equipment respond to the received codes may prove useful.
Spread Spectrum Super Infra-red Window Emitter (SL-SE)
Where signalling difficulties are encountered with the standard WINDOW EMITTER (SL-
WE), this special unit provides a broader spectrum of IR frequencies to ensure wider
compatibility (840nm to 940nm).
Additionally, there is a red LED which ‘blinks’ to confirm successful transmission when
outputting IR data.
QED AUDIO PRODUCTS LTD, Unit 16, Woking Business Park, Albert Drive, Woking, Surrey. GU21 5JY.
Tel: +44 (0) 1483 747474 Fax: +44 (0) 1483 545600 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.qed.co.uk
If either of the flash receivers in the SENSOR or Driver fail to respond, first check the accuracy of the wiring and
the quality of the connections. With both flash receivers working, and the hi-fi or video still failing to respond to
the transmitted codes when the FLOOD EMITTER is being used, it may be necessary to move the FLOOD EMITTER
further away - say one metre (3ft) and it should now work. Then gradually move the FLOOD EMITTER nearer
whilst continually checking the reliability of code reception.
One useful tip, is to check the receiving angle of the equipment in use, with it's own handset. If it works at an
a c u t e a n g l e , t h e r e s h o u l d n o t b e a p r o b l e m w i t h R O O M L I N K Tr a n s m i tt e r p l a c e m e n t .