QBC STAR™ System User’s Manual
Errors to Avoid in Venous Blood Collection
• Do not underfi ll the tube. This may result in excess anticoagulant interfering with the test result,
or cause hemolysis of the specimen.
• Completely mix the tube to avoid clot formation in specimens collected in tubes containing anti-
• Do not mix the specimen too vigorously. Overly vigorous mixing may result in cell damage and
• Do not overfi ll evacuated tubes when adding blood with a syringe. This could adversely affect the
ratio of blood to anticoagulant. Overfi lling anticoagulant tubes can also lead to excess pressure,
causing the stoppers to come off.
Capillary Blood Collection
• Disposable gloves
• Lancet with blade no longer than 2.0 - 2.4 mm
• Alcohol swab or pad
• Sterile gauze
• Bandage
• Sharps container
• QBC STAR tube
1 Identify the patient by having him or her (or a guardian) state his full name.
2 Select and organize the appropriate blood collection supplies.
3 Select a puncture site. With older children and adults, use the third or fourth fi nger of the non-
dominant hand. Choose a puncture site halfway between the center of the fi nger pad and the
outer edge of the fi nger. For infants, punctures may be performed on the outer or inner portion
of the plantar surface of the heel.
4 Make sure the site to be punctured is not cyanotic, edematous, or cold. If cyanotic or cold, cover
the puncture site with a warm, moist towel for at least three minutes before puncture.
5 Clean the puncture site with an alcohol pad. To prevent hemolysis, allow the site to dry.
6 Wearing gloves, puncture the fi nger with a sterile lancet. Wipe away the fi rst drop of blood to avoid
diluting the specimen with excess tissue fl uid.
7 Apply slight pressure above the puncture site. Avoid squeezing directly at the puncture area, because
that may cause cell damage as well as dilute the specimen with tissue fl uid.
8 Fill the QBC STAR tube by placing the collection end of the tube directly in contact with the fi nger
puncture blood. Fill the QBC STAR tube to a level between the two black fi ll lines.
9 When collection is complete, apply slight pressure with sterile gauze pad and elevate the puncture
site. Bandage, if necessary.
10 Dispose of lancet(s) in a sharps container. Dispose of gloves and gauze in an appropriate biological
hazard container. Wash hands.