Video source setup
● When run for the first time, it shows a list of AI BOX connected to the network. In the ID / Password field, admin / 1234 is entered by default.
When the AI BOX is in “factory default or factory reset” status, “1234” is set as a temporary password for network settings in the tool
● If the AI Box is not shown, please check the network cable is connected to ETHERNET 1 properly.
1. Click the device that wants to change the network
settings from the list.
2. Enter the network information to set in the Setup
Network section below.
3. Enter the ID / Password of the device.
- If the AI Box is in “factory default or factory reset”,
enter admin / 1234.
4. Click the Apply button.
Download and install the Device Management Tool from the link below.
AI BOX is possible to search the device’s IP and set the network via the Device Management Tool program
When the install file runs, the firewall setting window will appear as below. For smoothly using, it is recommended
to allow the entire network.
Search for devices on the network
Setting screen
Running screen
Accessing to Device and setting the remote support settings
Download the Device Management Tool
To enable the AI Box to receive and analyze video from a camera, you must first set up the camera’s connecting information.
Click the ‘
Video Stream
’ in the sidebar navigation menu displays the settings menu for receiving video from the camera.
‘AI Engine Resource’
displays usage relative to maximum AI processing capability.
Each app requires a different AI processing capacity, so be careful not to set over the maximum processing.
‘Video Decoding Resource’
shows current usage based on the maximum amount of video the AI Box can receive and process from the camera.
‘Video Resolution Resource’
shows the usage against the maximum resolution available on the AI Box. No item will exceed the limit.
‘Video Stream’
settings allows you to set the video stream information accessible over the network.
Camera Video Input Setting
Screen after settings applied
1. After a while by pressing the Apply button,
the network setting of the device will be updated
in the list.
- If the network settings have not been changed,
it is due ID or Password being incorrect,
please check again.
2. After setting the network, double-click the device
information in the list to access the AI BOX.
- The AI Box webpage will open in the default
browser in Windows
(Recommended Web Browsers:
Google Chrome, Firefox and IE edge)
Enable the Remote Assistance function in the Setup > System Management > Technical Support menu.
You can receive remote technical support by sharing the Mac Address and Remote Code displayed on the UI.
- When accessing the AI Box for the first time, the initial password setting
UI is displayed. Set the password want to use.
- The password can use the alphabet, numbers, and special characters,
and it should be set to 8 to 16 characters.
- Log in using the device’s account information using admin as the ID and
the password set in the previous step.
Initial access and remote support settings
Initial password setting of Device
Remote support Settings
2023-05-09 오후 04:31:04
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