A. Main part B. Canopy
Open the buckle on the waistband. Press the grey button on both sides and
push the backrest support forward – once you hear a 'CLICK', the backrest
will open in place. Ensure the frame is tightly secured before use.
Place the canopy on top of the backrest. Use the Velcro to secure both sides.
- Be extra attentive when lifting the carrier for use and at removal. All the
instructions must be followed carefully.
- The child and the bearer must be properly secured to the baby carrier
before use and in accordance with the instructions.
- Please be aware that the child may get tired before the bearer does, so try
to take regular breaks.
- Be cautious of the weather – the child will be sitting above your head.
- Children should wear a hat to protect them from sunshine. Ensure sun
screen is applied in warm weather.