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Appliance Warranty
– Australia Only
Service within the terms of this warranty will be recognised where Climate Technologies are satisfied that
the product or part was supplied within the relevant time limits (prescribed on pages 12 and 13 of this
warranty). You are required to keep, and provide Climate Technologies with, proof of purchase and
Dealer / Installer information in relation to the product the subject of your warranty claim.
Product fitness for purpose and overall system design / sizing is solely the responsibility of the dealer /
installer and, to the extent permitted by law, Climate Technologies takes no responsibility for, and this
warranty is not valid to cover, any loss that is suffered by you as a result directly or indirectly of purchasing
a product that is not fit for the purpose you intended or is in any other way inadequate for this purpose.
This includes but is not limited to heat load calculations, air flow, system balancing, humidity, water quality
The product must be installed in an easily and safe accessible area for service. Where appliances are
installed in areas not easily and safely accessible, costs will be borne by you for any access equipment
required to be utilised by a representative or agent of Climate Technologies, in the event that maintenance
of such an appliance is required.
DIY installation Warranty
If the product has been installed DIY or other than by an authorised person, a supply part only warranty will apply.
Only parts will be supplied free of charge and then only on the return of the faulty part. In the event that a warranty
claim is made to which this provision applies, you will be responsible for all labour charges incurred for the part
to be fitted by a qualified person, such person to be appointed by Climate Technologies or one of their authorised
dealers. The labour warranty as prescribed in the tables on pages 12 and 13 of this warranty are void where the
product in question has not been installed by an authorised person.
Remote Location Warranty
If the product has been installed outside of the Climate Technologies service network, a supply part only warranty
will apply. Only parts will be supplied free of charge where the product the subject of the warranty claim was
installed further than 30km from the nearest Climate Technologies authorised dealer or service providers
premises, and then only on the return of the faulty part. In the event that a warranty claim is made to which this
provision applies, you will be responsible for all labour charges incurred for the part to be fitted by a qualified
person, such a person to be appointed by Climate Technologies or one of their authorised dealers. The labour
warranty prescribed in the tables on pages 12 and 13 of this warranty are void where the product in question has
been installed in an area outside the Climate Technologies network (as prescribed above).
Effect of this Warranty
If you, as the purchaser of a product sold by Climate Technologies, comply with your obligations under this
warranty document and a defect exists in a product you have purchased from Climate Technologies, Climate
Technologies will, at its sole discretion, repair or replace the defective product (or part of it).
Any remedial work undertaken by Climate Technologies or one of its approved representatives or agents will be
conducted at Climate Technologies sole expense, subject to the terms and conditions and exclusions contained
in this warranty.
Climate Technologies will not reimburse you for any expense you have incurred in applying for a remedy under
this warranty, including, but not limited to, any telephone calls or postage expenses incurred.