0. Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this FJORD light source from Pyroistech.SL. This document
describes the FJORD light source and provides you with instructions for its correct
operation. Please do not hesitate to contact us through [email protected] if you
have any questions or doubts about this manual.
FJORD is the superluminescent diode (SLED) broadband light source that allows you to
combine up to 8 high power SLED, with peak wavelengths that range from 830 nm to
1650 nm. Its compact, silent and sturdy design permits its integration in whatever type of
application, covering a wide range of possibilities, from optical laboratories, fiber optics
testing, Bragg grating interrogation, tomography, or industrial sensors among others.
The FJORD light source can include one or both of the following two extras: a touch
screen to adjust the power of each SLED individually from 0 to 100% and a USB
connection that enables to do the same through the computer, allowing the remote
control of the source.
1. Technical Specifications
General characteristics
• Configurable spectral bandwidth with up to 8
SLEDs (see all the available SLED modules on
the next page)
• Max. optical power (fiber 8μm): -5dBm*
• Short stabilization time <1 min
• Temperature controlled
• Configurable output connector FC-PC/FC-APC
• Dimensions 18 x 5 x 12.7 cm*
• High quality materials for a durable product.
• Compact, light and silent
Available extras
• Individual control of the power
of each SLED
• Touch screen option
• USB connection option
*These values may vary with the number and
model of the chosen SLED modules. The
dimensions correspond to a 2 SLED source.
SI Scientific Instruments GmbH
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