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9. Solutions for Frequently Asked Questions
1. What can I do if I forget the WiFi encryption key?
Press RESET to restore the router to factory settings, for details please refer to Section 7.
2. What do I do if I cannot log on to the router management interface?
1) Check if the IP address and DNS address are set to be obtained automatically. Normally the IP
address obtained should be 192.168.169.X.
2) Try using another computer to log on;
If the problem is still not resolved after the above operations, try to restore the router to factory
3. What can I do if the notebook can not find the wireless signal?
1) Check if the built-in wireless LAN switch of the laptop is turned on (For details, please view laptop
2) Open the Device Manager of the computer, and view if the wireless network adapter driver is
successfully installed and enabled;
3) Check if the computer's wireless service is turned on (Check if the status of Wireless Zero
Configuration in the service option is set to Start, and if Startup Type is set to "Start automaticly”);
4) Try to find the wireless signal within a 1-2m distance.
5) Please use another computer's wireless adapter to find the wireless signal;
If the problem is still not resolved after the above operations, try to restore the router to factory
4. How do I clear the previous network configuration with Windows 7 and Apple iPad?
Windows7: Network and Sharing Center—Manage wireless networks, select the corresponding
wireless network name, and do delete operation;
iPad: Navigate to Setting --- Wireless LAN --- corresponding wireless network name, ignore (or foret)
this network option above the right blue arrow, and click Ignore.
5. How to view the router software and hardware version?
In the management interface, click on
"Advanced Settings" button to view.