Thread the outlet check valve housing (6) onto the bottom of the fluid section (7) and tighten with
an adjustable wrench.
Place the 007 Kalrez
O-ring (27) into the groove of the inlet check valve housing (5).
Thread the inlet check valve housing (5) into the side of the fluid section (7) and tighten with an
adjustable wrench.
Place the small washer (18) into the outlet check valve housing (6) then thread the luer adapter
(22) into the outlet check valve housing and tighten with an adjustable wrench.
Thread the set screw (17) into the fluid section (7) and tighten using a 3/32" Hex key.
Assemble Sections
Be sure the micrometer adjustment (10) is backed out far enough so at least the number 1 can be
seen on the midsection (D).
Apply a small amount of silicone grease to the end of the needle (1) then insert it into the packing
nut (6) and slide the two sections together.
Align the air holes of the air section on the same face as the fluid inlet check valve (5) then
connect the sections using the two machine screws (15) tightening them down evenly using a
3/32" Hex key.
Using the tip of a 3/32" Hex key, tighten the packing nut (3).
Setting Micrometer to Zero
When assembling the valve it will be necessary to re-calibrate the micrometer adjust back to the zero
Using the wrench (A), insert the inside tip of the small end into the orifice of the midsection (D)
and rotate it clockwise until the numbered centerline is on a side that can most easily be viewed by
the operator.
Note: Valves are supplied from the factory with the center line located 90º to the left of the fluid inlet.
Turn the dial (C) clockwise until the end (F) hits the piston (21).
Using soft tip pliers, hold the knurled end of the dial (C) tightly and loosen the screw (B) using a
flat head screw driver.
Note: Loosen the screw 3-4 turns only. It is not necessary to fully remove the screw.
Using a soft dead blow hammer, tap the dial (C) of the micrometer adjust to unlock it from the
mid section (D). The dial will now spin freely.
Rotate the dial (C) to align the zero mark of the dial with the numbered centerline of the
midsection (D) and press down firmly to secure the dial in place.
Hold the dial (C) securely in one hand maintaining alignment with the zero mark and numbered
centerline, then carefully tighten the screw (B) using the flat head screw driver to lock the
micrometer adjustment.