Nixie Tube Clock ‘Frank 3’
Issue 5 (1 Jan 2012)
- 33 -
7.6 Connecting a GPS receiver
The clock has been designed for, and tested with a Globalsat BR-
355 GPS receiver (available separately from PV Electronics)
It may be possible to connect other GPS receivers with the
following specification:
Power consumption max 50mA
Supply voltage 5V
Output signal levels: RS232 or TTL
Serial baud rate: 4,800 bps, 9,600 bps, 19,400 bps or 38,400 bps
Output protocol: NMEA-0183, including $GPRMC sentence
The Globalsat BR-355 receiver plugs directly into the mini-DIN
connector on the rear of the clock PCB.
To connect a different GPS receiver, the following connections are