Static, Auto or Sound mode:
The device contains automatic programs that run according to fixed schemes
recalled via the built-in microphone to match the music
. The selection of the respective
mode takes place via the menu directly on the device.
If you connect several devices of the same type via DMX, they can be controlled simultaneously
via the master device. To do this, set the desired function "
" on the first device of the line,
the other devices of the series must now be set as "
". Now the first device of the line gives
the function to all other devices and all devices run simultaneously.
Operating mode DMX:
Connect the DMX input of your device to the DMX output of your DMX controller, your DMX
software or the DMX output of a device already in your DMX line. Always use a DMX cable with a
110 Ohm resistor for this connection. Address the device according to your DMX configuration.
The following table shows the respective DMX modes of the individual devices with the
corresponding values and functions:
For ideal operation in a DMX chain, it is recommended to use a terminating r
each DMX chain. The terminating resistor is usually soldered with 120Ω between
Data to prevent signal reflections.
Configuration oft he DMX connector:
The device contains automatic programs that run according to fixed schemes
or are
. The selection of the respective
If you connect several devices of the same type via DMX, they can be controlled simultaneously
" on the first device of the line,
". Now the first device of the line gives
Connect the DMX input of your device to the DMX output of your DMX controller, your DMX
. Always use a DMX cable with a
Address the device according to your DMX configuration.
The following table shows the respective DMX modes of the individual devices with the
For ideal operation in a DMX chain, it is recommended to use a terminating resistor at the end of
each DMX chain. The terminating resistor is usually soldered with 120Ω between – Data and +