Mounting the Deionization Module
The deionization (DI) module can be placed anywhere convenient inside the cabinet. Keep the
distance between the main assembly, storage tank, and DI module as short as possible. The DI
module can be mounted horizontally (preferred) or vertically. If mounted vertically, the outlet should
be at the bottom.
1) Establish the position for the deioniza-
tion module.
If mounting above the main assem-
(See Figure 6, previous page;
Appendix C, page 31)
be sure to allow
adequate space to attach the main
assembly. (Allow approx. 3" from the
bottom screw of the DI mounting band
to the screws supporting the main as-
2) Secure the module to the wall of the
cabinet using the supplied stainless
steel clamp and screws.
You have completed the bulk of the installation tasks. All that remains is connecting tubing between
the components. Three lengths of tubing have been supplied:
Yellow tubing to connect the feed water saddle valve to the inlet on the main assembly.
Black tubing to connect the drain saddle valve to the drain line check valve on the right rear of the
main assembly frame.
Blue tubing for all purified water connections: main assembly to DI module, DI module to tank,
tank to GAC Post-filter, and Post-filter to faucet.
When cutting the poly tubing, DO NOT USE SCISSORS. Use a razor knife with a fresh blade. Do
not crimp or collapse the tubing. Cut the tubing with a clean, 90° angle. This will allow the tubing to seat
firmly into the fittings, creating a secure and leak free connection.
8 Getting Started
Wrap threads of 90° quick-
connect fitting with Teflon
thread tape.
Screw fitting into module
until finger tight.
Figure 9, Installation of 90° Speedfit Fittings into Deionization Module
Establish position for stainless
steel mounting band. You must
attach the bottom screw first.
When performing annual
maintenance only the top
screw will need to be released.
Figure 10, Mounting the Deionization Module