PURE n NATURAL SYSTEMS - www.purennatural.com - 1-800-237-9199
Do not plug the unit in until your H2O-PRO is connected to the
water line. When the tanks begin to fill with water, plug the unit
in. Try pressing the cold and hot water buttons to see if water
comes out.
It’s important that the tanks be filled with water before
proceeding with the following procedures!
Turn on the cold power switch on the back to start the chilling
process. The chilling indicator on the control board will go on as
chilling proceeds. When the indicator goes off, chilling is done.
The temperature is set at 4 ~ 10
C (50
Turn on the hot power switch on the back to start the heating
process. The heating indicator goes on while heating proceeds.
When the indicator is off, heating is done and hot water is ready
to serve. Hot water will be re-heated automatically when the
temperature is not high enough.
To drink cold or ambient water, please press the cold or ambient
water button.
For hot water, press the hot water button TWICE.
Water will stop flowing when any of the 3 water buttons is
pressed for longer than 60 seconds. Simply release the water
button to reset the automatic shut-off time and press button
again for more water.