2 Presentation
The purication function, described in 2.1, is performed using the photocatalytic oxidation EHG;
technology originally developed by NASA and improved by research from our. SHU development team.
The device combines optoelectronic UV light with our catalyst based on TiO
(Photocatalytic Titanium Dioxide) which reacts with the photons of UV-C germicidal optoelectronic LEDs
to remove airborne contamination of pathogens and / or harmful molds
and organic compounds birds present in closed rooms or areas.
Using a broad spectrum of UV light, it is possible to obtain the same oxidant and ionizing benets
that are found in nature, created by the sun.
SHU 300/900 /1200X is an efcient and environmentally friendly air and surface
purication system that requires only 9 Watts of electricity to operate,
instead of hundreds of Watts like other products in the category.
The UV-C germicidal LEDs destroy the germs that pass through the UV light rays. The light rays
of UV-C LEDs react with the nano semiconductor EHG producing catalytic molecules that identify
and destroy carbon-based molecules (harmful substances such as odors caused by VOCs -
Volatile Organic Compounds, cigarette smoke, molds, bacteria, viruses and other allergens)
by converting them to harmless carbon dioxide and water.
This revolutionary technology, originally developed by NASA, is not based on lters and is virtually
maintenance free.
In fact, in many circumstances EHG technology reduces contaminants more efciently
than a HEPA (High Efciency Particulate Filter) lter, signicantly lowering replacement costs
Eliminates odors from smoke, pets, cleaning chemicals.
Quickly reduces harmful substances, odors caused by VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds),
cigarette smoke, molds, bacteria, viruses and other allergens.
Energy efciency:
SHU 300/900/1200X requires less than 9 watts, saving money and respecting
the environment every day. Since the air is neither ltered nor forced
by demanding fans or large puriers, this creates a considerable energy savings.