Instruction Manual
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It is a well recognized goal to keep the patient's load during diagnostic X-ray examinations as
low as possible. Besides the possibilities to adjust the voltage, the current and the filtration (i.e.
the doserate), adjustable quantities during the examinations are the beam area and the
irradiation time. The task of the diagnostic dosemeter DIAMENTOR E is to measure the
product of dose rate, exposure time and area in cGycm². This product is a measure for the
patient's load.
The German regulation ("Röntgenverordnung") suggests to measure and to record the dose area
product. The DIAMENTOR E simplifies these recordings considerably.
The instrument consists of ionization chamber, electrometer with built-in display, connection
cable and separate power supply.
The area of the ionization chamber must always be bigger than the cross section of the beam.
The ionization chamber automatically determines the product of the different field sizes and the
dose, i.e. the dose area product. The patient's load is recorded during fluoroscopy as well as
during radiography. Nonstop alternating operation between fluoroscopy and radiography is
The device is calibrated in such a way that one step of the counter is equivalent to 1 cGycm².
The DIAMENTOR E complies with the rules laid down in the German regulation DIN 6819.
The working principle of the DIAMENTOR E is based on the fact that X-rays inside the
special DIAMENTOR ionization chamber produce a well defined amount of charge during the
time of exposure. This amount of charge is proportional to the product of dose and beam area
and is shown on a LC display with 4 1/2 digits.