PS Engineering Inc. ®
PAR100EX Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-17
Rev. 11, Feb. 2013
Figure 2-8 Radio Output Level Adjustment
2.14.1 Installation of Ferrite Core Suppressor.
The RFI suppressor must be installed on the audio/data cable as shown to prevent RFI.
These devices are fitted over wiring harnesses to “attenuate” the RF noise signals passing along the wires.
Symptoms may include:
Squelch light stays illuminated (without any transmit or receive).
Excessive noise heard in the headset (in transmit or receive),
Garbled or otherwise poor transmit audio, particularly when engine is running or revving higher.
In addition, if symptoms occur, check all ground connections (do a visual and physical check) to ensure
that they are making proper contact (if any are even slightly suspect rework them); this includes any cir-
cuit breakers, batteries etc.
Figure 2-9 Ferrite Installation