Step 4
Plug in your equipment.
Important: the P300 model was never intended for power amplifiers, integrated ampli-
fiers, or receivers that produce more than 50 watts per channel. Equipment that pro-
duces more than 50 watts per channel should not be plugged into the P300.
Make sure that the Power Plant, and each piece of equipment to be plugged into it, is
switched OFF, then plug the equipment into the outlets on the back of the Power Plant.
Step 5
Plug the Power Plant into a live AC receptacle, and switch it on.
Use the included power cord, or another of your choice. We do not recommend the
use of any power cords that contain filters. Using the lower left-hand button on the
Power Plant's front panel, switch on the Power Plant.
Step 6
The Power Plant's display will now read "60".
This is the frequency the Power Plant is producing. You may raise or lower this fre-
quency by using the two Up/Down buttons located to the right of the display on the
P300; below the display on all other models.
f you are powering a turntable, tape deck, or anything with an AC syn-
chronous motor, do not raise the Power Factor frequency above 60 Hz. This can dam-
age your motor. CD players and DVD players do not have AC synchronous motors, so
they are not a problem. If you are uncertain about what you have, contact the manu-
facturer for instructions. You can briefly experiment by raising the frequency and lis-
tening to your motor for signs of trouble. If you hear any unusual noises from the
motor, switch off the Power Plant, or return to the lower frequency. A short period of
operation, at the higher Power Factor, should not damage the motor.
Experiment with different Power Factor settings once you have familiarized yourself
with the basic performance of the Power Plant. There are 10 Power Factors; each
higher level of PF will increase the Power Plant’s output frequency as displayed on the
front panel. After you measure the wattage, following step number 7 of this quick start
guide, press the Mode button again to return to the Power Factor control. Use the
Up/Down buttons located on the right side of the display on the P300; below the dis-
play on the other models, to change the PF.
Step 7
Switch on each piece of gear, one at a time, until all pieces are powered.
Push the Mode button once to activate the wattage meter on the display. Watch the
front panel of the Power Plant as you do this. Should an amber light illuminate, or
should the Power Plant shut off at any time during this initial turn-on phase, please
refer back to the more detailed setup guide for instructions. Refer to the section
labeled "Plug in one piece of gear after another, measure total wattage.”
If there is no amber light, and the Power Plant is still operating, you are ready to roll.
We suggest that you read the sections on what to expect, what not to expect, and lis-
tening tips. However, you may certainly proceed to the enjoyment phase of the Power
Plant at this point. Good listening and viewing!
Содержание MultiWave P1200
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