IPC402x-UM-2209-1-2.x.x (en)
Ensto Protrol AB
Phone: +46 31 45 82 00
Alfagatan 3
internet: www.protrol.se
431 49 Mölndal, SWEDEN
e-mail: [email protected]
7 Remote Control Interface
IPC402x includes an integrated RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) function.
All physical binary and analog inputs can be configured to communicate values to a remote control system.
Physical outputs can be set up to be controlled from remote.
Also events from detector functions as well as various objects for activation (e.g.
) and objects
for acknowledgment can be assigned to the remote control system.
IPC402x supports the communication protocols IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104.
In addition, there is an option which makes it possible to use IPC4020 as a local -101 Master. With this
option it is possible to connect several -101 slaves to IPC4020 and access them in the remote control
center. This option is not available for IPC4022.
Please observe that IEC 60870-5-101 Master is optional and must be ordered separately, refer to the
datasheet [1].
IEC 60870-5-101:
Physical interface for IEC 60870-5-101 is RS485 (X11) or RS232 (X12 DSUB9, optional).
Both 2 and 4 wire communication is supported for RS485 communication.
Terminate RS485 by short-circuiting inputs 4 and 5 on the X11 terminal. Only the last device should
be terminated if there additional IPC402x on the same RS485 loop.
IEC 60870-5-104:
Physical interface for IEC 60870-5-104 is RJ45 10/100Base
TX Full Duplex.
IEC 60870-5-101 Master - OPTIONAL:
Physical interface for IEC 60870-5-101 Master is 2 wire communication via RS485 (X13).
Refer to kapitel 4.4.2 for detailed information regarding the physical connection.
Please observe that IEC 60870-5-101 Master is optional, refer to the datasheet [1].
For more information regarding settings for communication, objects and more, see the following chapters.
A general description on how to configure IPC402x can be found in Chapter 6.