IPC402x-UM-2209-1-2.x.x (en)
Ensto Protrol AB
Phone: +46 31 45 82 00
Alfagatan 3
internet: www.protrol.se
431 49 Mölndal, SWEDEN
e-mail: [email protected]
4.4.2 RS485-port för IEC 60870-5-101 Master (
IPC4020 has another terminal X13 on the left lower side, where additional units that communicate with IEC
60870-5-101 can be connected. The port only supports 2-wire communication (half duplex). It is factory set
to 8-E-1, i.e., 8 data bits, even parity and 1 stop bit. This function and port are not available on IPC4022.
Note that the IEC 60870-5-101 Master function is an option and is ordered separately, see datasheet [1].
There is built-in protection for surge voltages. However, cables for communication that may be subjected
to overvoltage must have a primary protection, for example Protrol OVP. As a rule of thumb, one can say
that cables that leave the building / station must be supplemented with a primary protection.
Short name
Sender/Receiver (plus)
Sender/Receiver (minus)
Line termination. Connect to X13:2 for activation.
The first (master) and last device (last slave) on the communication line should be terminated. This is
done on IPC402x by short-circuiting X13:2 and X13:3.
4.4.3 Ethernet Interface for IEC 60870-5-104 and Service Port
There is an Ethernet interface, RJ45 10/100Base - TX Full Duplex, for communication via IEC 60870-5-104
and the remote control centre.
This interface is also used as a service port, i.e., for connecting a service computer using TCP / IP and
accessing the built-in web interface of IPC402x.
4.4.4 USB Port
IPC402x is equipped with a service port for USB Type B. The port is located on the right of the front panel
next to the local acknowledge push-button, ACN.
4.4.5 Secondary Current Inputs
Current terminals for phase current transformers are found in the following locations:
Detector 1: Terminals X1-X3 between the RJ45 connector for Ethernet and the terminal for power
Detector 2: Terminals X21-X23, lower side of the expansion module (left side of IPC4020exp3).
Detector 3: Terminals X31-X33, upper side of the expansion module (left side of IPC4020exp3).
4.4.6 Power Supply
IPC402x requires an external power supply of 24-48 VDC which is connected to terminal block X4. The
connection is not polarity sensitive.
The unit must be connected to protective ground via X4.2.