Guidance Notes for Measuring Moisture in Floors using
the Protimeter MMS
1 Rapid Moisture Level Assessment of Solid Floors
Primary Reference: Section 2.1 of MMS Instruction Manual
In Search Mode, the MMS can be used to assess the moisture level of solid floor slabs
in relative terms and to identify areas of concern that may warrant a more detailed
Having selected the Search Mode (as detailed in section 2.1 of the MMS instruction
manual) hold the bulge of the instrument against the floor slab and note the value on
the LCD. Slabs that register a value of 200 or less are generally considered to be in a
safe air-dry condition. If values of more than 200 are recorded, we recommend that
the actual moisture level of the slab is quantified by alternative test procedures prior to
laying decorative floor coverings.
2 Equilibrium Relative Humidity Measurements in Solid Floors
Primary Reference: Section 3 of MMS Instruction Manual
In Hygrometer Mode, the MMS can be used to measure the equilibrium relative
humidity (ERH) value of solid floor slabs. In essence, this procedure measures the
relative humidity (%rh) of a pocket of air that is deemed to be in moisture equilibrium
with the material under investigation. Slabs that have an ERH value of 75% or lower
are considered to be in a safe air-dry condition. Slabs that have an ERH value of 80%
or greater are generally considered being in a damp condition.
Caution: moisture sensitive coverings that are laid onto damp floors may fail in service.
2.1 Sub-surface ERH Test Procedure - without using Protimeter
Humidity Sleeves
Drill 12mm (0.5”) diameter clearance holes to a nominal depth of 50mm (2”) at the
required points of measurement (POMs) and plug or cover with suitable
impervious material. Ideally, holes should be drilled 24-hours before
measurements are to be taken
Remove the Hygrostick sensor and conical plastic sleeve
from the MMS pouch; push the Hygrostick through the
sleeve so that the tip of the Hygrostick protrudes fully
from the narrow end of the sleeve as shown.