workshops, of fi c
es, etc. and as a fl ow
heater of domestic hot water (DHW).
We believe it will serve you to your
full satisfaction – cer tain minimum
requirements must be fulfi lled to that end.
That is why we are asking you to study and
follow these instructions carefully.
You have become an owner of a wall-
hung combination boiler, for natural gas
or LPG. The boiler 24BTV 17 with forced
fl ue gas removal and 24BOV 17 with fl ue
gas removal by means open chimney
draught are designed for heating up
the heating circuit water (CH) in central
heating systems in fl ats, family houses,
Please, keep the following rules in
• The boiler and all accessories must be
installed and used in compliance with
the design, the applicable laws, technical
regulations and the manufacturer’s
• The boiler can only be installed in the type
of environment for which it is designed.
• Only service centers authorized by the
manufacturer are allowed to put the boiler
into operation after in stal la tion.
• In case of defects, call a ser vice
centre authorised by the manufacturer
– incompetent intervention can damage
the boiler (and/or the accessories)!
• The service centre’s employee who initiates
the boiler operation after installation shall
instruct the user about the boiler, its parts
and operation.
• Check completeness of the delivery.
• Check to make sure the supplied boiler
type complies with the expected manner
of use.
• If you feel uncertain about any activities
related to the boiler operation, look up
and study all relevant information in these
instructions, and follow the recommended
• Do not remove or damage any labels or
markings on the boiler.
• It is not allowed to tamper with inner fi tting
and wiring or make changes. In case of
reparation, all parts must be approved by
producer of boiler.
• If the boiler is going to be switched off
for a longer time, it is recommended to
disconnect boiler from the electricity source
and close gas valve. This recommendation
is valid with reference to condition in these
Instruction (e.g. the anti-freeze protection
is inactivated then)
• When the life cycle of the boiler, or its parts,
has expired, they should be disposed of in
an environmentally friendly manner.
• Producer do not provide warranty
and do not answer for damage due to
infringement of:
- conditions mentioned in these
- valid Regulations and Standards
- correct installation and use
- conditions mentioned in Guarantee
Certifi cate and Service Booklet
Dear Customer
Important notes
• Boilers as products are checked for
compliance with the following documents:
EN 483, EN 437, EN 625, EN 50 165, EN
60 335-1:1997.
• The installation of this boiler must be
carried out by a competent person in
accordance with the relevant requirements
of the current issue of:
- the Gas Safety (Installation and Use)
- the Building Regulations,
- the local water company Bylaws,
- the Building Standards Regulation,
- the Health and Safety at Work Act
• Besides the requirements as expressed
in the above-cited documents, these
Instructions for Use and the boiler
documentation provided by the
manufacturer are to be followed. During
use, no children, drug-intoxicated or
legally irresponsible persons should be
allowed to tamper with the boiler.
Abbreviations used:
CH – heating circuit water,
DHW – domestic hot water.
Safety of life and property
In practice, situations may occur
in which the users must apply
necessary precautions:
• Preventing the boiler from switching on
(also accidental) when inspecting the
chimney, fl ue-gas duct, water and gas
piping – i.e., electricity supply to the boiler
must be stopped (e.g., by unplugging) in
addition to using the boiler switch;
• Stopping the boiler whenever fl ammable
or explosive vapours appear (even if
temporarily) – such as vapours of fl ooring
glue, paints when surface fi nishing, gas
leaks, etc.);
• If it is necessary to discharge water
from the heating system, it must not be
dangerously hot;
• If water has leaked from the boiler
exchanger, or if the exchanger is fi lled
with ice, no attempts to start the boiler
should be made until normal operating
conditions prevail.
• If there is a (whether confirmed or
suspected) gas leak or stoppage in the gas
supply, switching off the boiler, shutting
down the gas supply and calling gasworks
or a specialised service centre