N93-561-85 Issue 0
© Copyright Protec Fire Detection plc 2009
Installing and Connecting The Standby Batteries
The panel is designed to house two 12V 3.3Ah Valve Regulated Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) batteries.
These fit into the left hand compartment of the Digilite® and should be secured with the Tie-wraps
The two batteries must be connected in series, a connecting link is supplied for this purpose.
The batteries must then be connected to the power supply PCB using the wires provided, please
observe polarity when connecting.
Ensure all spade connectors are pushed fully home onto the battery terminals.
Figure 7.2 shows the location and connection details for the batteries.
Figure 7.2
Installation of Digilite® Standby batteries (shown with the lid removed)
Switching On
Switch the fused isolator to the ‘ON’ position. The ‘Supply Present’ indicator should illuminate on the
front of the panel and, assuming all other connections are correct the Digilite® should be displaying
the ‘System Healthy’ screen on the LCD.
The Digilite® is now ready to be commissioned and programmed.