PROGNOST B Instructions for use
PROTEC GmbH & Co. KG, In den Dorfwiesen 14, 71720 Oberstenfeld, Germany
20 of 49
If the position of the wall stand Bucky is higher than the tube position, the tube assembly will
automatically move upwards as soon as clicking on the symbol
. The tube assembly adjusts itself
to the wall stand Bucky height and the Autotracking is activated.
If the height of the wall stand Bucky is lower than the tube height, the wall stand Bucky automatically
adjusts to 1.40 m as soon as clicking on the symbol
. Following this, the tube assembly
automatically adjusts itself to the height of the wall stand Bucky and the Autotracking is activated.
Autotracking X-ray system table button:
If the angle of the X-ray tube assembly is not 0°, rotate the unit to this position. The system now
recognizes that it is the under table position and the Autotracking table symbol is activatable.
Click this icon
and following actions will be performed:
The X-ray system table will move to the height of 650 mm (standard setting) above the floor
The X-ray tube assembly moves automatically to the default SID of 1 m (standard setting)
The Bucky below the table top automatically moves horizontally to center itself with the X-ray tube
assembly. The position is reached and Autotracking is activated. If the tube assembly is not within
the movement range of the under table Bucky, th
on the touch screen. Please move the X-ray tube unit into this range.
Deactivating Autotracking:
When the system in the Autotracking mode, click
to exit the Autotracking. The movement of the
X-ray tube assembly or wall stand Bucky can now be determined individually.
Pause Autotracking:
Pause and resume Autotracking function for individual movement of wall stand Bucky, X-ray tube
assembly or X-ray system table.
Configuration menu:
Click this button
to enter the configuration interface. For detail instructions see Technical
Description PRS 500 B .
The configuration menu many only be operated by PROTEC trained or
authorized personnel.
Improper changing of settings can lead to malfunctions or endanger patients,
operators and third parties.