ProSpot Fitness PBL-21 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

Содержание PBL-21

Страница 1: ...PBL 2 I OwnersManual 1 Assembly Instructions Illustrations 2 UseandOperationof PnoSyorJitnessrM Product 3 Maintenance of your PnoSrorJitnessru Product 4 Warranty Information 5 PartsList Serial ilililililtili 13506D001 83PBL 21 ...

Страница 2: ...Tableof Contents Assemblylnstructions 1 4 UseandOperation of YourPROSPOT rnessrM Product 5 Periodic Maintenance of yourPROSPOVtnessrM Product 6 Wa ranty Information 7 Parts List 8 L serlnstructions 9 15 ...

Страница 3: ...tching yourfloorduring assembly A goodpairofscissors wilibehelpful inseparating theparts fromoneanother whileremoving themfrom thecartons Beforeassembly separateand identifythe right sided partsfromthe left sided parts Thesepartsare easily distinguished bythemanner inwhichthepre drilled holesalignwithcorresponding parts or are identified by L R stickers The PROSPOTrrressrM PBL 21usesseveral differ...

Страница 4: ...theSeatCushion 37 to thetwoSeatSupport Rails 10 using fourbolts 42 fourflatwashers 48 andfourspring washers 50 asshown Tighten thebolts securely STEP 2 LegDeveloper Assembly 1 Slide theAdjusting Roller Support Frame 41 lntothefront vertical tubeoftheMainFrame 1 asshown Pullthehandle on thescrewdownpullpin 9 previously installed ThiswillallowtheAdjusting Roller SupportFrame 41 to slidedown Release ...

Страница 5: ...4 2 3 3 3 ...

Страница 6: ...FROSF6 i i Bolts Bushings Size Chart 74 36 79 33 22 73 QTY 7 QTY 2 QTY I QTY 2 QTY I QT 7 42 QTY 7O 27 QTY 4 20 QTY 7 50 QTY 7O n A TV 8mm 48 QTY 7O 76 QTY 78 8 76 mm 7O 2O mm 4 ...

Страница 7: ...ntinueto exerciseif you experience any lighrheadedness dizzinessor shortness ofbreath andconsultyour physician Keep small childrenandothersat a safedistancefrom all rnovingparts The up anddown movementof the weightscanbe dangerous Never allow your fingers toes hair other body partsor looseclothing to comenearweights while they are in motion Never attemptto exercisewith moreweight than you are phys...

Страница 8: ...RegistrationCard along with a copy of your salesreceipt proof of purchase if this hasnot beendoneby your dealer at time of purchase 2 Your systemneedsto be setup properlyaccordingto the assemblymanual 3 Follow userinstructionson how to properlyusethe system Maintenance Program Note Our products are recommendedfor climate controlled environments Outdoor use is not recommended andwill void thewarran...

Страница 9: referto the actualwarrantycard includedwith your systemfor specificcoverage If you haveany questions aboutperformance underthis limited wananty please write usat PnoSrofflzess Inc Attn Warranty Service 1325OakbrookDrive SuiteE Norcross GA 30093 Office 770 446 9299 Fax 770 446 7213 I I I 7 ...

Страница 10: NutM10 x 54 5 mm 1 24 SouarePlastic Sleeve 50 60mm 1 I J RoundPlastic Bushing 16 50 mm 4 zo Adiusting Locking Pin 1 Assy Description Qtv 27 SmallBumper Ring 1 28 Nvlon Inner Plug 45x 45mm I Z Y Souare Plastic Sleeve 38 50 mm 1n RoundPlastic Bushing 18 32mm 3 l Round Bumoer 42Diax 14 2 JZ NvlonInnerPluq40x 20mm 8 JJ HexHeadBoltM10x 80 2 34 RearBase Rail I 35 Backrest Cushion 1 Caniaoe BoltM10x 6...

Страница 11: ...rming benching exercises benchpress chestpress military press etc positionthebenchsothatit sitsbackinsidetheframe undemeath thebarbell Whenpositioning benchfor exercises thatusethelowerpulleyassembly attach thebench cableto thelowerpulleyassembly andpositionbenchsothatthebenchcableis centered in the openingof the mainframe supportpost Pull the benchforwardsothat the attached bench cableis taut Whe...

Страница 12: ...3 Using theKnee SupportAdjustment Knob adjustthe kneerollersto thehighestposition 4 Using the Leg Extension Pull Pin position the leg extensionarm downward and lock in place into the first or secondhole whichever is most comfortablewhen anklesare placed underanklerollers 5 Make surebenchcableis attachedto lower pulley assemblyandthat thereis enoughweight selectedon the weight stack or placedon the...

Страница 13: ...itionandleg extensionarm shouldbe lockedin the lower position 3 Load desiredweight ontothebarbellandbeginyour exercise Military Bench I Position theinclineadjustment knobintothesecond hole sothatthebench backpadis in an uprightposition 2 Placethe seatadjustment leverin the middleslot Kneesupportrollerscanbe in any positionandlegextension armshould belockedin thelowerposition 3 Loaddesired weighton...

Страница 14: ...g position While pullingout theKree Support Adjustment Knobpull thekneerollershaft abovethelastholethenrelease thepull pin andreplace thekneerollershaftsothatit rests ontopof thepull pin Place theLegExtension PullPinintothefirst lowest hole Adjustanklerollersto acomfortable levelusingtheAnkleRollerAdjustrnent Knob Attachbenchcableto lowerpulleyassembly makesurebenchis pulledforwardsothat cableista...

Страница 15: ...eLegExtension PullPinintothefirst lowest hole 5 Adjustanklerollersto acomfortable levelusingtheAnkleRollerAdjustment Knob 6 Attachbenchcableto lowerpulleyassembly makesurebenchis pulledforwardso that cableistaut 7 Selectdesiredweighton the selectorized weightstack or placedesiredweightontothe weightplateholder andbeginyourexercise Note By experimenting u ithdifferentbench positioncombinations you ...

Страница 16: ...ft abovethelastholetlen release thepull pin andreplace thekneerollershaftsothatit rests ontopofthe pull pin 4 UsingtheLegExtension pull pin raisethelegextension armto theuppermost position 6th or lasthole andrelease pull pinto lockin place 5 Adjustanklerollersto acomfortable positionusingtheArkle RollerAdjustment Knob 6 Attachbenchcableto lowerpulleyassembly makesurebenchis pulledforwardso that ca...

Страница 17: ...preacher curl benchto themiddlehole 5 Raise thelegextension armandplacetheLegExtension PullPinintothesecond holefrom thetop 6 Placethe optionalpreacher curl handlearoundthe holesclosestto the anklerollersand insertlockingpinthrough holesto holdhandle in place 7 Makesurebenchcableis attached to lowerpulleyassembly andthatthe benchis pulled forwardsothatthecableis taut 8 Selectdesiredweighton select...
