Portable Metal-Cutting Band Saw
For technical questions call 1-800-665-8685
1. The tool will not activate when switched on.
2. The tool may switch on, but fails to maintain power when operated.
3. The tool may overheat, possibly starting a fire.
Test the tool by plugging it directly to the power supply. If it powers on,
change the extension cord with the correct rating and as short as needed.
The workpiece may also need to be relocated closer to the power supply.
WARNING! Shut off the electrical tool or device and move away if
you feel faint, dizzy, nausea or shocks. Seek medical attention.
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) can interfere with electronic devices such
as pacemakers. Anyone with a pacemaker should consult with their
doctor before working with or near a tool that generates an EMF. The
following steps can minimize the effects of electromagnetic fields.
1. Keep the power source and any power cables as far away from the
user as practical. A minimum of 24 in. is recommended.
2. Avoid long and regular bursts of energy while operating the tool. Use
the tool for short or intermittent periods of time. This will prevent a
pacemaker from interpreting the signal as a rapid heartbeat.
3. Alert other people in the work area, so they can take precautions or
can watch out for those with a pacemaker.
1. This tool vibrates during use. Repeated or long-term exposure to
vibration may cause temporary or permanent physical injury. Take
frequent breaks when using the tool.
2. If you feel any medical symptoms related to vibrations (such as
tingling, numbness, and white or blue fingers), seek medical
attention as soon as possible.
3. Wear suitable gloves to reduce the effects of vibration.
4. DO NOT use this tool before consulting a physician if one of the
following applies:
Impaired blood circulation to
the hands
Past hand injuries
Nervous system disorders
Raynaud's Disease