VTrak 15200 User Manual
Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS) is a protocol with discovery and
management capabilities for IP storage. iSNS works for IP storage devices like
DNS does for an ordinary network.
Press 6 and Enter to access iSCSI iSNS.
ISNS Settings
1. Port 1
2. Port 2
R. Return to Previous Menu
Please enter your menu choice>
Press 1 or 2 to select an iSNS Port then press Enter.
Current ISNS Port #1 Settings:
Server IP address:
Server port: 3205
ISNS: disabled
ISNS Port #1 Settings
1. Server IP Address
2. Server Port
3. Enable/Disable ISNS
R. Return to Previous Menu
Please enter your menu choice>
Supply the information as prompted and press Enter after each item.
You return to the iSCSI iSNS Port Settings menu.
When you exit the iSCSI iSNS Port Settings menu, the CLU prompts:
Save iSNS port settings(y/n)?>
Press Y and Enter to save or N and Enter to cancel.
iSNS Port Setting Parameters
Following is a brief explanation of each iSNS port parameter and its meaning.
The iSNS port ID number (1 or 2)
SLP status. Enabled or disabled
iSNS Server IP address ( means not assigned)
iSNS Server Port number (3205 for most applications)