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Now you can try different positions for the plate and the camera/lens you are using to find a good balance 
point on the head. Start in the center, tighten the Quick Release Knob (3) and check the balance of the rig with 
the head's Drag Control (5) loose. If the rig is not well balanced, loosen the Quick Release Knob (3) slightly, 
slide the camera forward or back a bit, tighten the knob and test the balance again. Repeat this process until 
you have the best balance point. Now, look at the scale next to the plate and record the number the plate 
marker is pointing to. You can use this to quickly set up the same camera and lens combination again in the 

Warning: always have a hand on your camera when you loosen the Quick Release Knob to prevent 

accidental dropping and damage




Adjusting and extending the legs 

Unhook the Leg Connection Clip (13) and pull out on all of the legs to form the basic tripod. Notice the 
Spreader (11). It adds stability to your tripod. There are 3 Spreader Levers (12), which can be opened. When 
they are opened you can further stretch the legs out into a wider stance. This wider stance, with the Spreader 
(11) fully extended, is the most stable position for your tripod kit, regardless of the height you are using. 
To extend the length of any leg twist the Leg Lock (9) counterclockwise, extend that particular leg section, 
and then tighten the Leg Lock (9) by turning it clockwise until it stops. Each leg section can be adjusted to 
any position along its length. This way you can adjust each leg differently over uneven ground to make the 
tripod level. A level tripod will be the safest and most stable way to shoot. 

Using the bowl adapter  

Loosen the Bowl Handle (10) slightly. Grasp the CH60 head and move it around on the bowl adapter to find a 
level position. Watch the bubble level on the lower part of the head to guide your positioning. Once you have 
found a level point, hold the head in place and tighten the Bowl Handle (10). 

Using the CH60 Cine head  

With your camera mounted to the CH60 head loosen the Panning Control Knob (8) to allow a side-to-side, 
rotational movement of the head and camera or tighten it in place to avoid accidental side-to-side movement. 
Notice the panning action of the head is smooth. Practice making soft starts and stops to your panning 
movements to achieve professional looking results.   
Two knobs control the tilting motion of the CH60 head. The Tilt Control Knob (7) can be loosened to allow a 
tilting motion forward and back for the head and your camera. Tighten the Tilt Control Knob (7) to keep the 
camera in place. The Drag Control (5) allows the tilting motion to be controlled for the weight of the 
particular camera and lens you are using. Turn the Drag Control (5) towards its + or - side to tighten or loosen 
the drag. Once you find the best amount of drag for your camera you can use the Tilt Control Knob (7) to turn 
on or off the tilt control all together. The head will keep the same drag amount as you use the Tilt Control 
Knob (7). Similar to the panning control, practice soft starts and stops to your tilting motion.  
You may choose to loosen the panning and tilting control at the same time. This is a situation in which using 
two hands on both handles can be extremely helpful for the best control of your camera. The more you 
practice soft starts, soft stops, and smooth, even motion with your CH60 head, the better your video footage 
will become. 

Using the accessory port  

One 3/8

 threaded, female Accessory Port (2) is located in the CH60 head. Use this to connect accessories 

such as flex arms, spigots, etc. With these accessories mounted you can hold an item such as an external video 
monitor or LED light. Whatever you connect will move with your camera as you control the CH60 head. 
