Request the temperature
Send a text message with the text:
You receive a text message with the content OK>> V1
R TEMP 22,1 if there is 22.1 degrees in the room.
Add telephone numbers to receive alarms
If you want a alarm eg. if power fails, you must add recipients to the calling list (max. 25).
Recipients are called Nx (N1, N2….N9, NA (10), NB (11)…. NP (25)).
Send the text message: N1 88888888 (‗N1‘ = first position in the calling list, ‗88888888‘ = a
mobile phone number to receive alarms as text messages (country code is not necessary).
The text message POWER FAILURE is now being sent to the phone number 88888888 in case
of power failure.
Create recipient number two (= N2), number three (= N3), and so on.
Delete a recipient: delete the phone number simply by sending the text N1.
Receive alarm at 5 °C
You can get an alarm if the temperature drops to a critical level.
Send e.g. the text message V1 M 5 63 and you will be alerted if the temperature is five degrees
(select a different number than five in the text, if the temperature limit must be something else).
Turn the floor heating on or off
If you connect floor heating or a water heater to multiGuard®, it can be controlled by text
message too.
The text message S0 (0 = zero) closes the relay and turns on heating.
The text message B0 (0 = zero) opens the relay and turns off heating.
Supervise multiGuard® remote at the Web
Go to www.profort.com. Sign up and see how.
The unit also has ...
... an alarm input which can be connected to e.g. a PIR motion sensor, thermostat,
smoke detector.
Read more in the manual and at www.profort.com.
When you send text messages to multiGuard® remote ‗SPACES‘ counts as a character.
There must always be a space between commands and text.
Remember: If you make space in the optional text for the macro name, it must also be written
when you are using the macro.
Profort a/s * Gunnar Clausens vej 3 * DK – 8260 Viby J. * [email protected] * www.profort.dk