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Aircraft Functions and Features
360 Flip
Press the direction joystick, to enter the flip
mode. The controller will start to bleep, then
move the joystick in the direction you would
like the drone to flip.
Please note when the battery is starting to get
low, the flip function is disabled
Speed Setting
The drone is supplied in low speed mode. This
mode can be changed by pressing the left joystick.
The controller will bleep to confirm the speed
which is selected
1 Bleep - 25% Speed
2 Bleeps - 50% Speed
3 Bleeps - 100% Speed
Auto Come Back
The aircraft can be made to return in a fixed
direction by pressing and the return button.
When the aircraft is turned on it will
remember the direction it is oriented and
upon activation of the One Key Return
feature it will fly back in that direction.
NOTE: Be careful to orientate the aircraft
with the rear tail facing towards you if you
want the aircraft to fly back towards you using the smart return mode. You
can retake full control of the aircraft at any time by moving the right control
sticks. The aircraft will not return to where it started, it will simply move in the
direction it was orientated when turned on.