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Page 11
Activation by click
In this option the MIC level controls are locked to prevent from unwanted
changes. To unlock a gain control, press the button in the middle and the current
level gain will be displayed on the screen. In addition, the central button will be
illuminated by a blue LED to indicate that the control is unlocked.
Press once and move gently the rotary control and turn it counter clockwise or
clockwise to decrease or increase the input gain.
This level control will be locked again automatically after 3 seconds of no
intervention, or after pressing again the mid button. Then, the round led will be
turned off.
Activation by movement
Aiming a more intuitive and quick operation for reporters /commentators now
Quantum W codecs provides the new “activation by movement” mode for input
gain controls.
Just moving any of the round input gain controls (IN1, IN2, IN3) with a slight
touch, the display will lead directly to following pop-up menu: